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What are your shipping times?

Once received, your package will be sent out within 1-2 business days.

You will receive a confirmation email or SMS with tracking details once your package is sent.

All packages are sent via Australia Post and estimated shipping times are as follows:

- Standard: 2-8 business days

- Express: 1-4 business days

What is your returns and warranty policy?

Unfortunately we do not offer returns for change of mind.

Our warranty policy depends on whether you have purchased a new or vintage film camera.

For new film cameras

We have a 3 month warranty for technical issues on all new film cameras. You can read more about our returns and warranty policy here.

For vintage film cameras

Vintage film cameras are covered by our 30 day warranty for technical issues. You can read more about our returns and warranty policy here.

How do I load a film roll into the camera?

You can find our guides on how to load a roll of film here.

Please note: do not open the film door once a film roll is correctly loaded in the camera. This will over-expose the film and you may lose your photos.

Can I use my film camera with any type of film roll?

Yes! All our film cameras are compatible with any type or brand of 35mm film roll.

Are there still places that develop film rolls?

Yes! There are plenty of places that can still develop your film roll. You may have a local film developing lab or camera store nearby.

Some of the most common places that develop film rolls include Ted's Cameras, Camera House, WALKENS House of Film, Kmart and Big W.

How do I develop my finished film roll?

Once you are done shooting your roll of film, simply take it to your local film developing lab or camera store and they will help you to develop your film!

You will have the option of getting prints or digital copies of your film photos.

Some of the most common places that develop film rolls include Ted's Cameras, Camera House, WALKENS House of Film, Kmart and Big W.

How do I get my film photos electronically?

When your film developing lab develops your film roll, you will have the option of getting digital copies of your film photos (normally sent directly to your email).

Didn't answer your question?

If we didn't answer your question, you can contact us here.